Anxious about landing that first job after graduation? Here is a easy way. Join a conversation that will help walk through the ins and outs of the job hunting experience.
Target Audience: Graduate Students
This video conference involved individuals who have either been regularly involved in hiring statisticians, or were recently hired as a statistician.
Speakers/panelists include senior members from academia, industry and government. Each panelist will talk about their hiring process, the qualities and skills they look for in candidates, and the do's and don’ts during the interview. If you are now, or will soon be on the job market, this conversation is one that you will want to listen to!
This is a first in a series of virtual meet-ups for the NISS Academic Affiliate's audience. Other virtual meet-up topics will be announced soon!
Confirmed Speakers:
Tim Hesterberg - Google
David Hunter - Penn State University
Esra Kurum - University California, Riverside
Tommy Wright - US Census Bureau
Mimi Kim (moderator) - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Event Type
- NISS Hosted