COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar: Leadership at the Intersection of Statistics and Psychometrics

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

This webinar aims to promote leadership skills in the interdisciplinary field of statistics and psychometrics, discuss how to successfully bridge the interests of these two fields, and explore ways for statisticians and data scientists to build collaborations in educational and psychological research areas. Statisticians, data scientists, and psychometricians at any stage in their careers are invited to attend.

Download the Flyer: COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Nov2024-flyer.pdf 


Dr. Steven Andrew Culpepper (UIUC, president-elect of the Psychometric Society and Co-Editor of Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics)

Dr. Sandip Sinharay (Educational Testing Service, and the current Editor of Psychometrika and the previous editor for the Journal of Educational Measurement and the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics)


Gongjun Xu (Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Michigan, and Co-Editor, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics)

About the Speakers

Dr. Steven Andrew Culpepper is a Professor and Data Science Founder Professorial Scholar in the Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Dr. Culpepper’s research examines issues related to measurement, item response theory, latent class models, and Bayesian computation for psychometric models. His recent research focuses on restricted latent class models for applications involving diagnostic assessments and the fine-grained evaluation of learning interventions. To date, he coauthored over 60 publications and he received support for several psychometric projects from the Spencer Foundation, the American Educational Research Association, and the National Science Foundation. Professor Culpepper is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics and Associate Editor of Psychometrika. His professional service includes membership on the Board of Trustees of the Psychometric Society (2018-2022), the Grants Program Governing Board of the American Educational Research Association, the Technical Review Panel of the National Indian Education Study, and the Design and Analysis Committee for the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Professor Culpepper collaborates on interdisciplinary teams of scholars, advises undergraduate and doctoral students, and works to broaden participation of under-represented and first-generation college students in the mathematical and data sciences. Profile: Steven Andrew Culpepper | Department of Statistics | Illinois


Dr. Sandip Sinharay is a distinguished presidential appointee at the ETS Research Institute in Princeton, New Jersey. He is the current editor of Psychometrika and a past editor of the Journal of Educational Measurement and Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. He has received seven awards from the National Council on Measurement in Education. These awards include the Outstanding Service Award (2023), Bradley Hanson Award for Contributions to Educational Measurement (2018 and 2020), Annual Award for Outstanding Technical or Scientific Contribution to the Field of Educational Measurement (2015 and 2009), Jason Millman Promising Measurement Scholar Award (2006), and Alicia Cascallar Award for an Outstanding Paper by an Early Career Scholar (2005). He received the ETS Scientist award in 2008 and the ETS Presidential award twice. Sinharay has co-authored a book on subscores, coedited two published volumes including the Handbook of Statistics, Volume 26, on psychometrics (that he coedited with Prof. C. R. Rao), and authored or coauthored more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited books. His research focuses on item response theory, assessment of model fit, reporting of subscores, statistical methods for detecting test fraud, Bayesian methods, and application of advanced statistical methods to education. Profile: Sinharay, Sandip (


About the Moderator

Gongjun Xu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Columbia University in 2013. Dr. Xu's research focuses on the development of statistical methodology and its applications in psychological and educational measurement. Specifically, he works on latent variable modeling, item response theory, and cognitive diagnosis models. Profile:



About the COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series

COPSS (Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies) and NISS have come together to organize and host a new webinar series focusing on leadership in statistics and data science. Plan to attend these webinars every month during the academic year! Visit the COPSS-NISS Leadership Series Page for previous webinars.

The COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series is co-organized by the Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) Emerging Leaders in Statistics and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS). The purpose of the webinar series is to promote leadership skills for members of the statistical societies at any stage in their careers. The series features conversations with leaders throughout the discipline, including leaders from major academic and government institutions, and companies. Invited speakers share their leadership stories and answer questions about their experiences. Each webinar is moderated by a member of the COPSS Emerging Leaders in Statistics program.

Access the Full COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series YouTube Playlist | COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series:

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National Institute of Statistical Sciences


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