Total Survey Error in the Age of COVID-19
After a hiatus in 2020, ITSEW returns this year as a series of three virtual weekly seminars on the theme Total Survey Error in the Age of COVID-19. As with earlier workshops, the goal is to promote discussion of questions of research, methodology and practice relating to Total Survey Error (TSE) and Total Survey Quality. Each session will be comprised of relatively short presentations and catalyzing discussion by a designated discussant, followed by floor discussion among all participants.
The dates, topics and speakers are:
The 2019 Workshop Program (with links to slides)
Friday, September 24, 2021 (9 am – 12:00 Noon ET)
TSE for Data Collections about COVID
Moderator and Speakers:
Alan Karr, Session Chair
Jason Fields, (US Census Bureau)
"Revisiting the Balance: The Household Pulse Survey in a Total Survey Quality Framework"
Carina Cornesse, (University of Mannheim)
Andrew Phelps, (UK Office for National Statistics)
"The Opinions and Lifestyle survey (OPN)"
Jamie C. Moore, (University of Essex - UK)
"Non-response bias prevention and adjustment in a national longitudinal Covid-19 survey"
Discussant: Paul J. Lavrakas, (Private consultant)
"TSE for Data Collection about COVID"
Friday, October 1, 2021 (9 am – 12:00 Noon ET)
Effects of COVID on Other Data Collection
Moderator and Speakers:
Olga Maslovskaya, Session Chair
Martina Helme and Salah Merad, (UK Office for National Statistics)
Nicky Rogers and Duncan Elliott, (UK Office for National Statistics)
"Estimating how levels of international migration have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic"
Jan van den Brakel, (Statistics Netherlands)
"Official statistics based on the Dutch Health Survey during the COVID 19 Pandemic"
Discussant: John Eltinge, (US Census Bureau)
Friday, October 8, 2021 (9 am – 12:00 Noon ET)
Total Quality for Censuses
Moderator and Speakers:
Natalie Shlomo, Session Chair
J. David Brown, (US Census Bureau)
"Comparing 2020 U.S. Census and Administrative Record Population and Housing Estimates"
Owen Abbott, (UK Office for National Statistics)
"Busting the Census count myth"
Stefano Falorsi, (Italian National Institute of Statistics)
"The Italian Esperience in Population Census in The Year of Covid Update"
Christiane Laperrière, (Statistics Canada)
"Quality-driven collection operations during the 2021 Canadian Census of Population"
Discussant: Nancy Potok (NAPx Consulting)
"Discussion: Census Total Quality"
The session on October 8 will conclude with Remembrances of Lars Lyberg, led by Paul Biemer, (RTI International).
Link to the Full Program
Registration fees are $25 US for students and $50 US for all others for all three sessions.
Funds have been received from our sponsors for students who participate in all three sessions, refunds of the registration fee can be requested following the third session.
The registration deadline is September 20, 2021.
Register for all three days of this event through EventBrite
Registrants will receive the Zoom link via email two days before each Friday event.
Organizing Committee
Ruben Bach (University of Manheim)
Marcus Berzofsky, co-chair (RTI International)
Annamaria Bianchi (University of Bergamo)
Paul Biemer (RTI International)
Silvia Biffignandi (University of Bergamo)
Alan F. Karr, co-chair (AFK Analytics, LLC)
Olga Maslovskaya (University of Southampton)
James Rosenberger (NISS)
Natalie Shlomo (University of Manchester)
Financial Support
The Organizing Committee thanks RTI International and Westat for their generous, ongoing financial support of ITSEW.
Event Type
- Affiliate Award Fund Eligible
- NISS Hosted
- NISS Sponsored