ICDS Symposium: The Future of Digital Fairness

Wednesday, October 6 — Thursday, October 7, 2021

Digital fairness is a crucial consideration for any scientist who relies on computation. Who owns artificial intelligence models and who owns the data in those models? What biases are unintentionally embedded in the models? How transparent are the data manipulation processes? How reproducible are the results? The answer to these questions could have a myriad of impacts on both the science being conducted and the communities that could potentially benefit from these investigations.

Join the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences as we bring together researchers from around the U.S. to discuss data, equity, reproducibility, and other topics related to fairness more.

The Symposium will include multiple keynotes, panel discussions, an industry panel, a student poster session, and more.

Please Note:  This event is both Virtual and in person at the Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center.

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Redefining Interpretability and Replication in Multi-Ancestry Genome-wide Association Studies

Presented by Lorin Crawford, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research

A Fireside Chat About Data Science and Equity”   A discussion with:

Kristin Johnson, Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Law, Emory University
Charlton McIlwain, Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement and Development; Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU

Moderated by Margaret Hu, Associate Dean for Non-JD Programs, Penn State Law; Professor of Law and International Affairs, and ICDS Co-Hire

Panel Discussions

Ethical challenges and considerations in the application of machine learning methods to clinical medicine

About: Increasingly, researchers and developers are looking to machine learning methods for making sense of complex medical data. These technologies have tremendous potential to improve the delivery of care yet also present new challenges. This panel will focus on ethical considerations and challenges in the application of machine learning methods to clinical data.


Taylor Marion Cruz, Assistant Professor of Sociology, California State University, Fullerton
Kellie Owens, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania
Gary Weissman, Assistant Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Justin Silverman, Assistant Professor of Information Science and Technology, Statistics, and Medicine, and ICDS Faculty Co-Hire

Law, Policy, and Data


Andrew Hoskins, Interdisciplinary Research Professor, University of Glasgow
Jennifer Wagner, Assistant Professor of Law, Policy, & Engineering, Penn State
Daiquiri Steele, Assistant Professor of Law, University of Alabama
Anne Washington, Assistant Professor of Data Policy, NYU
Moderator: Margaret Hu, Associate Dean for non-JD Programs, Professor of Law and International Affairs, and ICDS Co-Hire

Energy, Justice, and Big Data

About: Advanced computing, AI and big data now play a major role in the challenge of decarbonizing global energy supplies. These new approaches have the potential to make energy solutions more equitable and available, especially across the Global South. However, as advanced computing is increasingly used to solve global problems, new ethical challenges arise around the ownership of data, computers and solutions. This panel session aims to explore this complex landscape, focusing on examining the opportunities to incorporate advanced computing into holistic carbon-free and renewable energy solutions, whilst also supporting the fight for climate justice and equitable societal impact. 


Jean Paul Allain, Head of the Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering, Lloyd and Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair in Plasma Medicine in the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, and ICDS Co-Hire
Helen Greatrex, Assistant Professor of Geography and Statistics, and ICDS Co-Hire

Event Type


Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, Penn State University


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


Virtual and Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center
University Park
United States