COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar: Leadership at the Intersection of Statistics & Genomics

Friday, March 29, 2024 at 12-1pm ET

Join us for another insightful webinar on the topic of leadership in the field of statistics genomics! The focus of this event will be to discuss how to successfully bridge the interests of statistics & data science and genetics & genomics, and how statisticians and data scientists can build strong collaborations in both worlds. Statisticians and data scientists at any stage in their careers are invited to attend.


Rafael Irizarry, Professor and Chair of the Department of Data Science at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Professor of Applied Statistics at Harvard University

Mingyao Li, Professor of Biostatistics at University of Pennsylvania


Jingyi Jessica Li, Professor of Statistics and Data Science (primary), Biostatistics, Computational Medicine, and Human Genetics (secondary) at University of California, Los Angeles

About the Speakers

Rafael Irizarry is a Professor and Chair of Data Science at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health. He is a renowned statistician with a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from the University of Puerto Rico and a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. With a focus on genomics, he's known for open-source statistical methodology shared through Bioconductor. He mentors numerous trainees, offers popular online courses in data analysis, and contributes to various professional committees, including NIH. He's received prestigious awards such as the COPSS Presidents’ Award and the Benjamin Franklin Award. His work impacts fields from infectious diseases to COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness.


Mingyao Li is a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Pennsylvania. She is acclaimed for her heart disease genetic research and co-creation of ANNOVAR bioinformatics software. She received a bachelor's and master's degree in mathematics from Nankai University, then pursued a second master's and a Ph.D. in biostatistics from the University of Michigan. Joining UPenn in 2006, she advanced to full professor in 2017. Her research spans statistical genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and computational biology. Focused on understanding cellular heterogeneity in human tissues, her work involves analyzing gene expression diversity, cell state transitions, and cell crosstalk using single-cell transcriptomics data. Notable accolades include her election as an International Statistical Institute Member in 2014 and becoming a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2018. She was also named a 2021 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


About the Moderator

Jingyi Jessica Li is a Professor of Statistics and Data Science (also affiliated with Biostatistics, Computational Medicine, and Human Genetics), leads a research group titled the Junction of Statistics and Biology at UCLA. With Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and B.S. from Tsinghua University, she focuses on developing interpretable statistical methods for biomedical data. Her research delves into quantifying the central dogma, extracting hidden information from transcriptomics data, and ensuring statistical rigor in data analysis by employing synthetic negative controls. Recipient of multiple awards including the NSF CAREER Ward, Sloan Research Fellowship, ISCB Overton Prize, and COPSS Emerging Leaders Award, her contributions have gained recognition in the fields of computational biology and statistics.




About the COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series

COPSS (Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies) and NISS have come together to organize and host a new webinar series focusing on leadership in statistics and data science. Plan to attend these webinars every month during the academic year! Visit the COPSS-NISS Leadership Series Page for previous webinars.

The COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series is co-organized by the Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) Emerging Leaders in Statistics and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS). The purpose of the webinar series is to promote leadership skills for members of the statistical societies at any stage in their careers. The series features conversations with leaders throughout the discipline, including leaders from major academic and government institutions, and companies. Invited speakers share their leadership stories and answer questions about their experiences. Each webinar is moderated by a member of the COPSS Emerging Leaders in Statistics program.

Access the Full COPSS-NISS Leadership Webinar Series YouTube Playlist:

Event Type


National Institute of Statistical Sciences
National Institute of Statistical Sciences


ASA | American Statistical Association




Zoom Webinar
United States