COPSS-NISS COVID-19 Data Science Webinar Series

Thursday, December 17, 2020 12-1pm ET (9-10am PT)

[Please Note: This session has already occurred.  Go to the News Story for this event to read about and to access a recording and speaker slides from the session.]

An Ecosystem for Tracking and Forecasting the Pandemic

Presentation Slides:

About this Webinar Series

The COPSS-NISS COVID-19 Data Science webinar series is co-organized by the Committee of the Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) and its five charter member societies (ASA, ENAR, IMS, SSC, and WNAR), as well as NISS.  This bi-weekly seminar features the latest research that is positioned on the cusp of new understanding and analysis of COVID-19 pandemic data, and promotes data-driven research and decision making to combat COVID-19.  Find out more about this series and view all the previous sessions on the Webinar Series page.


We all know that data is the foundation on which statistical modeling rests.  To provide a better foundation for COVID-19 tracking and forecasting, the Delphi group launched an effort called COVIDcast, which has many parts: 

  1. Unique relationships with partners in tech and healthcare granting us access to real-time data on pandemic activity.
  2. Code and infrastructure to build COVID-19 indicators, continuously-updated and geographically comprehensive.
  3. A historical database of all indicators, including revision tracking, currently with hundreds of millions of observations.
  4. A public API serving new indicators daily (and R and Python packages for client support).
  5. Interactive maps and graphics to display our indicators.
  6. Forecasting and modeling work building on the indicators.

In this talk, we'll summarize the various parts, and highlight some interesting findings so far.  We'll also describe ways you can get involved yourself, access the data we've collected, and leverage the tools we've built.  



Roni Rosenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University)
Professor and Head, Machine Learning Department
School of Computer Science

Ryan Tibshirani (Carnegie Mellon University)
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics and Machine Learning Department


Rob Tibshirani (Stanford University)
Professor of Biomedical Data Science, and Statistics

Register for this Event Here!

Organizing Committee

Xihong Lin (Chair) (IMS), Harvard University 
Karen Bandeen-Roche (NISS), Johns Hopkins University 
Chris Barker (ASA), Statistical Planning and Analysis Services, Inc
Gary Chan (WNAR), University of Washington 
Rob Deardon (SSC), University of Calgary 
Natalie Dean (COPSS), University of Florida
Debashree Ray (COPSS), Johns Hopkins University
Jie Peng (WNAR), University of California at Davis 
Nathaniel Stevens (SSC), University of Waterloo 
Elizabeth Stuart (ENAR), Johns Hopkins University 
Ryan Tibshirani (IMS), Carnegie Mellon University  
Lily Wang (ASA), Iowa State University 
Lingzhou Xue (NISS), Pennsylvania State University
Lili Zhao (ENAR), University of Michigan 
Glenn Johnson (Web Communications), NISS

Event Type


National Institute of Statistical Sciences


American Statistical Association
Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS)
Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric Society
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Statistical Society of Canada
Western North American Region of The International Biometric Society


Registration is free.


Online Webinar
Moderator: Rob Tibshirani (Stanford University), Speakers: Roni Rosenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University), Ryan Tibshirani (Carnegie Mellon University)