2014 Affiliates Annual Meeting

Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 9:30am to 7:30pm

This year's annual Affiliates Meeting took place Sunday, March 16, 2014, in conjunction with the Eastern North American Region International Biometrics Society's (ENAR) meeting at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.

NISS-SAMSI Affiliation Successes: From Affiliates' Perspective

NISS-NASS: Cynthia Z.F. Clark, Administrator, USDA-NASS
Explorations Workshops: Cliff Spiegelman, Dept. of Statistics, Texas A&M
Official Federal Statistics Workshops: Phil Kott, Senior Research Statistician, RTI International
Policy Task Forces - NCES: Andy White, National Center for Education Statistics
Cardiac Toxicicty Assessment: Keith Soper, Merck Research Laboratories
SAMSI Program Planning - Affiliate Liaisons: Steve Qin, Dept. of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University

Hard Problems: Open Problems with High Impact for Government and Industry

NASS Revision of Estimation Methods: Linda J. Young, Univ. of Florida/USDA-NASS

Functional Data Analysis in Neuroscience Research in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Junshui Ma, Merck Research Laboratories

Leadership of Statistics - Paths and Challenges (Keith Soper, Moderator)

Academia - Statistics: John Stufken, Dept. of Statistics, University of Georgia

Academia - Biostatistics: Susan Ellenberg, Dept. of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania

Government: John Eltinge, Office of Survey Research Methods, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Industry: Joe Heyse, Merck Research Laboratories

Introduction of Junior Colleagues

Brief summaries of research, papers and posters for ENAR 2014

Nikolay Bliznyuk, University of Florida - research interests

Haim Bar, University of Connecticut - research interests

Adam Cardinal-Stakenas, Department of Defense, Dissimilarity Analysis for Classification

Ying Ding, University of Pittsburgh, Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Assessing the Effects of a SNP on Treatment Efficacy in Personalized Medicine Development

Zhulin He, NISS postdoctoral fellow, Weighting Adjustments in Project TALENT

Sebastian Kurtek, Ohio State University, Elastic Statistical Shape Analysis of 3D Objects Using Square Root Normal Fields

Qing Mai, Florida State University, Semiparametric Sparse Discriminant Analysis

Mathew McLean, Texas A&M, Comparison of Functional Regression Models

Min Yi, University of Missouri, An Extended Beta Regression Mode

Qingning Zhou, University of Missouri, Regression Analysis of Bivariate Current Status Data with the Proportional Hazards Model and Bernstein Polynomials

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Baltimore Marriott Waterfront 700 Aliceanna Street
United States