The Department of Statistics at The Florida State University was founded in September 1959 under the initiative and direction of Ralph Bradley. Since that time it has become one of the leading statistics departments in the United States. It has been the home at one time or another to many of the pioneers of modern statistics, including Frank Wilcoxon, Richard Savage, Frank Proschan, Jaroslav Hajek, Dev Basu, and Dennis Lindley.
The faculty of the Department of Statistics has a distinguished record of research and teaching. They are or have been editors of two major journals. Four faculty have been elected Fellows of one or more professional societies, and five are Associate Editors of one or more journals.
The department provides statistical consulting to the other departments and to state government. The department encourages students to enroll in the consulting courses, which provides unique in-depth training including videotaped practice consulting sessions. Students in this course have the opportunity to gain practical experience as a consultant to the Center's clients.