Collaborative Data Science

The Collaborative Data Science initiative at NISS brings together experts from various fields to tackle complex data challenges through interdisciplinary teamwork and innovative methodologies.

The goal is to foster progress in:

  1. Developing new ideas for experimental and observational data-driven learning and discovery that address key questions at the cutting edge of science and scientific deduction;
  2. Quantifying and summarizing uncertainty in data-driven theories, as well as complex Data Science models, algorithms, and workflows; and
  3. Establishing new practices for scientific reproducibility and replicability through Data Science.

This initiative promotes the inherently interdisciplinary nature of Data Science, seeking science-led advancements in Data Science and their innovative, significant, or transformative applications in science. It encourages robust collaboration and integration across the broadly defined realms of Science and Data Science via: (i) deep domain, (ii) broader inter-domain, and (iii) cross-domain collaborative research. It advocates for collective scientific advancement through novel collaborative and scientific methods and theories that can enrich the knowledge and strengthen the data practices among domain and data scientists.


About the NISS CoLab

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), an independent non-profit research organization founded in 1990 by the ASA, IBS, IMS, the triangle universities, and others, is excited to announce the launch of the NISS Collaboratory (CoLab). This new initiative will host collaborative events and activities, bringing together NISS Affiliates and partner institutions to work on high-impact cross-disciplinary and cross-sector research. NISS identifies, seeds, catalyzes, and fosters such research in the statistical and data sciences, serving as a neutral, objective expert in delivering critical scientific and public policy research to academia, industry, and government.

CoLab aims to strengthen these efforts by enhancing collaboration and innovation across diverse fields:

Full details are available on the NISS CoLab page: