AI in stAtIstics

The AI in StAtIstics initiative explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and statistics, driving innovation and advancements in data analysis and interpretation. NISS has collaborated with FSCM, the National Academies of Sciences, and aquired sponsorships from the ASA, RTI, and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Committee on National Statistics, the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy, and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences worked together to organize an AI Day on May 2, 2024. ​Implications of AI for federal statistical agencies were discussed and explored.​ Together, we took a look at what statistical research needs to be performed and considered the intersection of federal statistics with how other fields make use of AI. ​

AI, Statistics and Data Science in Practice Event Series

AI in Federal Government Event Series 

AI Day at National Academies of Sciences (NASEM)

AI, Statistics and Data Science in Practice Event Series

The NISS AI, Data Science, and Statistics in Practice is a monthly event series will bring together leading experts from industry and academia to discuss the latest advances and practical applications in AI, data science, and statistics. Each session will feature a keynote presentation on cutting-edge topics, where attendees can engage with speakers on the challenges and opportunities in applying these technologies in real-world scenarios. This series is intended for professionals, researchers, and students interested in the intersection of AI, data science, and statistics, offering insights into how these fields are shaping various industries. The series is designed to provide participants with exposure to and understanding of how modern data analytic methods are being applied in real-world scenarios across various industries, offering both theoretical insights, practical examples, and discussion of issues impacting.

AI in Federal Government Event Series 

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) and the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) are collaborating on a series of webinars on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The initial webinar took place on October 31, 2023 on AI in Federal Government: Uses, Potential Applications, and Issues. This series helped benefit federal practitioners and managers by providing behind-the-scenes information on uses of AI in federal agencies and from insights on how agencies meet organizational, managerial, and ethical challenges in harnessing the power of AI. Participation by researchers and managers in the webinars can help streamline current efforts to adopt AI and inspire new endeavors. The NISS/FCSM webinar series creates unique opportunities not easily available through other forums or venues. This series was a huge success thanks to the American Statistical Association (ASA)NORC at the University of Chicago, and RTI International for sponsoring this series.

AI Day at National Academies of Sciences (NASEM)

On May 2, 2024, the National Academies of Science in Washington, DC, hosted the much-anticipated "AI Day for Federal Statistics." Organized by CNSTAT at the National Academies of Science, FCSM, and NISS, this event brought together experts and practitioners in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to explore its integration into federal statistical practices. The in-person session served as a culmination of collaborative efforts aimed at advancing AI integration in federal statistical practices. Attendees were treated to a diverse array of topics and expert speakers, promising a day filled with innovation and insight.


About the NISS CoLab

The National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), an independent non-profit research organization founded in 1990 by the ASA, IBS, IMS, the triangle universities, and others, is excited to announce the launch of the NISS Collaboratory (CoLab). This new initiative will host collaborative events and activities, bringing together NISS Affiliates and partner institutions to work on high-impact cross-disciplinary and cross-sector research. NISS identifies, seeds, catalyzes, and fosters such research in the statistical and data sciences, serving as a neutral, objective expert in delivering critical scientific and public policy research to academia, industry, and government.

CoLab aims to strengthen these efforts by enhancing collaboration and innovation across diverse fields:

Full details are available on the NISS CoLab page: