The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro offers a variety of outstanding undergraduate and graduate programs. The faculty and staff serve nearly 4,000 students every year. The faculty consists of nationally and internationally recognized researchers in diverse areas of mathematics, statistics and mathematics education. They are also outstanding professionals committed to teaching excellence, and they take great pride in guiding our students to enjoy the beauty of mathematics.
The department also hosts various professional conferences and special events, lecture series, colloquia and seminars. These activities have greatly enhanced our students’ learning experience at UNCG. The department offers many undergraduate scholarships and most of our graduate students are supported via attractive graduate assistantships.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is housed in the Petty Science Building on the campus of UNCG, part of the University of North Carolina system, in the city of Greensboro. The department offers a B.S. and B.A. degrees in mathematics. There are also concentrations available for students whose primary interest is teaching mathematics at the K-12 levels. The Graduate Program offers a Ph.D. program in Computational Mathematics with opportunity to write a dissertation in computational mathematics or computational statistics, a Master of Arts in Mathematics with concentrations in Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Actuarial Mathematics and data Analytics, and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Statistics. The department is also participating in offering a newly established MS in Informatics and Analytics program ( ) which will be led by John Stufken as its Founding Director. The research interests of the department span significant areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics.
Department Head
Scott Richter
Primary Liaison
John Stufken
Alternate Liaison
Early Career Affiliate
Jianping Sun