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Thakuriah, Piyushimita, Ashish Sen, Siim Sööt, and Ed J. Christopher. "Non - response Bias and Trip Generation Models." (1993): 64-70.
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Sööt, Siim, Ashish Sen, J. Marston, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Multiworker Household Travel Demand." 1 (1994): 30 p.
Sööt, Siim, Ashish Sen, J. Marston, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Multiworker Household Travel Demand." 1 (1994): 30 p.
Styer, P., N McMillan, F Gao, J Davis, and Jerome Sacks. "Effect of outdoor airborne particulate matter on daily death count." Environmental Health Perspectives 103 (1995): 490-497.
Styer, P., N McMillan, F Gao, J Davis, and Jerome Sacks. "Effect of outdoor airborne particulate matter on daily death count." Environmental Health Perspectives 103 (1995): 490-497.
Sen, Ashish, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Estimation of Static Travel Times in a Dynamic Route Guidance System." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 22 (1995): 83-101.
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Smith, R.L., and Thomas S. Shively. "Point process approach to modeling trends in tropospheric ozone based on exceedances of a high threshold." Atmospheric Environment 29 (1995): 3489-3499.
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Steinberg, Laura J., Kenneth H. Reckhow, and Robert L. Wolpert. "Bayesian Model for Fate and Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in Upper Hudson River." Journal of Environmental Engineering 122, no. 5 (1996).
Steinberg, Laura J., Kenneth H. Reckhow, and Robert L. Wolpert. "Bayesian Model for Fate and Transport of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in Upper Hudson River." Journal of Environmental Engineering 122 (1996): 341-349.
Simpson, Douglas G., Raymond Carroll, and Minge Xie. "Interval Censoring And Marginal Analysis In Ordinal Regression." Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics 4 (1996).
Thakuriah, Piyushimita, Ashish Sen, Siim Sööt, and Ed J. Christopher. "Non - response and Urban Travel Models." Transportation Research Record 1551 (1996): 82-87.
Thakuriah, Piyushimita, Ashish Sen, Siim Sööt, and Ed J. Christopher. "Non - response and Urban Travel Models." Transportation Research Record 1551 (1996): 82-87.
Gao, Feng, Jerome Sacks, and William Welch. "Predicting ozone levels and trends with semiparametric modeling." Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 1 (1996): 404-425.
Thakuriah, Piyushimita, and Ashish Sen. "Quality of Information given by Advanced Traveler Information Systems." In Transporta tion Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 4 (1996): 249-266.
Steinberg, Laura J., Kenneth H. Reckhow, and Robert L. Wolpert. "Characterization of Parameters in Mechanistic Models: A Case Study of PCB Fate and Transport in Surface Waters." Ecological Modeling 97, no. 1 (1997).
Sen, A., P. Thakuriah, X. Zhu, and A. F. Karr. "Frequency of probe vehicle reports and variances of link travel time estimates." Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE 123 (1997): 290?297.
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Xie, Minge, Douglas G. Simpson, and Raymond J. Carroll. "Scaled Link Functions for Heterogeneous Ordinal Response Data*." In Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data, edited by Timothy G. Gregoire, David R. Brillinger, PeterJ. Diggle, Estelle Russek-Cohen, William G. Warren and Russell D. Wolfinger, 23-36. Vol. 122. Lecture Notes in Statistics 122. Springer New York, 1997.
Xie, Minge, and Douglas Simpson. "Categorical Exposure-Response Regression Analysis of Toxicology Experiments." In Case Studies in Environmental Statistics, edited by Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch and Lawrence H. Cox, 121-141. Vol. 132. Lecture Notes in Statistics 132. Springer US, 1998.
Aslett, Robert, Robert J. Buck, Steven G. Duvall, Jerome Sacks, and William J. Welch. "Circuit optimization via sequential computer experiments: design of an output buffer." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 47 (1998): 31-48.
Sen, Ashish, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Helen Condie. "Estimation of static travel times in a dynamic route guidance system—II." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 27 (1998): 67-85.
Sen, Ashish, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Helen Condie. "Estimation of static travel times in a dynamic route guidance system—II." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 27 (1998): 67-85.
Schonlau, M., William J. Welch, and Donald R. Jones. "Global versus Local Search in Constrained Optimization of Computer Models." Lecture Notes-Monograph Series 34 (1998): 11-25.
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Metaxatos, Paul, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Ashish Sen. "Transportation Planning Process for Linking Welfare Recipients to Jobs." In Transportation Research Record 1626 (1998): 149-158.
Metaxatos, Paul, Siim Sööt, Piyushimita Thakuriah, and Ashish Sen. "Transportation Planning Process for Linking Welfare Recipients to Jobs." In Transportation Research Record 1626 (1998): 149-158.
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Karr, A. F., C.-M. Aldea, and S. P. Shah. "Effect of microcracking on durability of high strength concrete." Transportation Research Record 1668 (1999): 86-90.
Sen, Ashish, P. Metaxatos, Siim Sööt, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Estimation of Demand due to Welfare Reform." In Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
Sen, Ashish, P. Metaxatos, Siim Sööt, and Piyushimita Thakuriah. "Estimation of Demand due to Welfare Reform." In Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999): 195-211.
Huang, Li-Shan, and RICHARD L. SMITH. "Meteorologically-dependent trends in urban ozone." Environmetrics 10 (1999): 103-118.
Karr, A. F., C.-M. Aldea, and S. P. Shah. "Permeability of cracked concrete." Materials and Structures 32 (1999): 370-376.
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Karr, A. F., P. Thakuriah, and A. Sen. "Probe-based surveillance for travel time information in ITS.", edited by R. Emmerink and P. Nijkamp, 393-425. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1999.
Karr, A. F., A. Sen, P. Thakuriah, and X. Zhu. "Variances of link travel time estimates: Implications for optimal routes." International Transactions in Operational Research 6 (1999): 75-87.
